Un-enjoy the silence!!!
My friends... where are you?
I'm here, in front of millions of people, and nobody wants to see me...
My messages seems lost in a deep giant net darkness.
I miss your feelings, I miss the words that sometimes knock the souls, putting them out of a clausure...
Whatever you had said, I remember clearly. I never treated you like a fool, but persons who are human and throw up feelings, and show your essences, colors and spirits.
I'll stay here... Waiting for another word, phrase, picture, or anything that I can handle.
Maybe all of you are sad... Maybe you are opening your mouth, but making a mute noise. Maybe I'm sad too, but one of the things that make me emerge from the tears is the words that have been writen here...
Please, forget the silence and come back... Bring some friends.
And if you are a foreign in here, feel welcome to talk with me, but your words won't be a secret in here.
The Writed Wall
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